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403 Earthquake Series: Do Earthquake-Resistant Homes Really Make a Difference? Interview with Lihsin Skytower Resident - Dr. Pan Renxiu

Updated: Sep 18, 2024

Do Earthquake-Resistant Homes Really Make a Difference? Hear What Lihsin Skytower Residents Have to Say

In recent weeks, frequent earthquakes, both large and small, have caused widespread concern. Earlier this year, the Hualien earthquake on April 3rd brought Yilan one of its most intense tremors in recent years, reaching magnitude 5 on the local intensity scale. Since then, we’ve received feedback from many residents of the Skytower. We invited several of them to share their experiences of living in an earthquake-resistant building during the quake.

One of the interviewees in this video is Dr. Pan Renxiu, director of Yilan Ren'ai Hospital. Not only is Dr. Pan a resident of Lihsin Skytower, but he also shares his professional insights on earthquake-resistant buildings from a medical perspective. Dr. Pan mentioned that over 20 years ago, following the Great Hanshin Earthquake, he had the opportunity to visit Japan and observe earthquake-resistant buildings, leaving a lasting impression. He also discussed the unique qualities of earthquake-resistant structures from the perspective of a healthcare facility, which differs from ordinary residential buildings.

In addition to describing his experience living in an earthquake-resistant home, the video highlights the excellent management of Lihsin Properties and the Skytower community. "Many developers sell homes and leave it at that, but not Lihsin. Not only do they build well, but they also manage the properties excellently, creating a great community," said Dr. Pan.

He added, "Lihsin ensures that the buildings they sold to us maintain their value and remain in great condition. While I can’t say other developers don’t do this, it’s definitely rare. Lihsin is a truly responsible developer."

We thank Dr. Pan for taking time from his busy schedule to share his views and experiences with earthquake-resistant buildings. His feedback, informed by his medical background and personal experience, highlights the impressive performance of Lihsin Skytower’s earthquake-resistant features during the quake. Such positive feedback is the best recognition of Lihsin's team and their years of effort.













台灣松澤 為您提供專業的解答與諮詢地震系列: 免震建築住戶專訪


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